Friday 30 November 2018

Potato Gun

Today we did an experiment using potatoes. It was called a potato gun. The materials we used was plastic straws, potato's and skewers. The key was to make it air tight. To work the potato gun you had to press the straw in the potato. You had to fill the straw with potato on both ends. Then you had to get the skewer and press the potato from one end to the other. The air pressure would push the potato from the other side and it would go flying out. Unfortunately mine didn't work along with a lot of others.😕

Thursday 29 November 2018

3D Maths

Today in maths we created 3D shapes. I created a cone and made it into a Santa hat. The cone was difficult to stick together so I had to use sellotape. It was fun crafting the Santa hat and decorating it. This is a photo of my Santa hat,

Thursday 22 November 2018

All St day

In class we have been learning about saints. We had to choose a saint to study. I choose St Barbara because I don't know much about her. I learnt lots of new facts on St Barbara like her dad killed her because she loved God, she was known for being beautiful and that she was born in Turkey. It was lots of fun learning about St Barbara.

Wednesday 21 November 2018


In topic we got to create things to do with New Zealand bands and artist. I made a list of New Zealand band and artist names from A to Z. This is my list of bands and artists from New Zealand. Enjoy!

Friday 16 November 2018


Today we did a experiment on how birds get their food using their beaks.  We all split in to groups of six and were given six different types of tweezers to act as the beaks. We used skittles, gummy worms, and paper as the things we need to pick up with the beaks. We made our predictions and recorded them. Our predictions weren't very accurate but it is just prediction. After the experiment we got to eat the lollies. We are so lucky to be able to do this in our leaning.


In room 5 we have been writing comics. Mr. Drummond came in and taught us about comics. He is a really good artist. He told us that we wont be a fantastic artist we have to practice. We learnt the structure of a comic, how you have to have a beginning, a middle and an end, and that you have to write your words and then put the speech bubble around them otherwise they're all cramped. thank you Mr. Drummond for taking your time to come in and teach us more about comics.

Passport Activities

In topic we have had the fun opportunity to be learning more about New Zealand music. We have got to choose activities to do with New Zealand bands and artists. This is called a passport. A passport has different columns with different things to do in the columns. You get points if you have completed an activity up to it's standard. The hardest activities are the ones that are worth more points and take up more time. The aim is t get to 200 points by the end of the term. One thing that I have completed is a body percussion to NZ music. I did this with my friend Frankie then presented it with her to the whole class. Another thing I did was a tour for six 60 around New Zealand. This is a photo of the tour I created.

Kapa Haka

On Saturday this week a group of year five and six's went to Eden Albert kapa haka. We performed at Rocket Park. We sang loud and smiled. The crowed cheered. We wore our school kapa haka gear. We performed a haka and some school songs that we had learned. My dad and my brother came to watch. Afterwards we went home and had some lunch. Lots of people were saying how good we were. What a fun day.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Athletics day

Today was Athletics Day. I was competing in the ten year old girls. First we did the two hundred metre race. I came first. But in the finals I came third. We moved to the four hundred metre race. I jogged the first lap then sprinted the last lap. I ended up in second place. In the finals for the four hundred metre I came fourth.

Next we moved on to the one hundred metre race. I placed second and Mia came first. I was in the finals for the one hundred metre race. I came third place. We had a break and some food.

After ten minutes.we went to the field events. We did discus first. We only got 1 shot each. I didn't place anywhere. Next up was long jump. I was so close to coming a place but I didn't. Next we did shot put. I was coming third all the way to the end but then Setaita bet me so I didn't come a place. We watched the juniors for a bit while we sat down and had a rest. Before we knew it it was relays. The house teams got ready. On your marks get set GO! Blake won. Hillary, my house came second, Shepherd came third and Cowley placed fourth.

What a fun day. We jumped on the bus and headed back to school. When we got back to school We did topic. Everyone was tired but after school I had netball. I can't wait for athletics day next year.

Sunday 11 November 2018

World War One

Today in reading our teacher Mrs. Drummond got a package of stuff from World War One. She got things like papers printed like the real thing. We got into pairs and got two souvenirs per group. Me and my pair got the Mother of Empire badge and a memorial stain glass window. This is the power point we made about them. 

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Womens Rights

WALT write a persuasive writing piece.

Can you imagine living in a country where you have to have a man to go outside with? Or being a girl that doesn’t get the opportunity to attend school because they have to stay home, wash the dishes, sweep and more. Many people think that this doesn’t happen any more, but it does. Women are treated unfairly with less opportunities than men. It’s not fair and it needs to stop.

In 1883 women in New Zealand got to vote. But in America women only got to vote in the 1900. Have you ever heard of a Suffragette? Well Suffragettes were members of women's organisation in England. They fought for the right of women's voting. Emmeline Pankhurst was the founder of the WSPU ( The Women's Social Political Movement). They used methods like marches, hunger strikes and more to get their way. But it just wasn’t working. Women were getting abused for this behaviour. As time passed more and more women were joining the Suffragettes. Women were raging over the fact that things just wouldn’t change. I don’t think that this is fair and is completely unnecessary. I mean why won’t men just let the women vote? Thankfully action took place and women were given the right to vote. This proves how strong and powerful women can be.

Secondly this isn’t the only problem happening. In countries like Afghanistan women are treated unfairly. Women are made to be slaves and are punished badly. Some girls don’t get to go to school because men think that women and girls are fit for house chores. Also girls can’t go outside without a man. Can you imagine being stuck at home with no fresh air because you have to clean. You might think that this would be fun because you could play but actually You have to clean. This is completely unfair and should stop. Have you ever heard of the Taliban. Well the Taliban were bad men trying to take control over certain countries. They said that girls should not be able to go to school. One day Malala and her friend caught the bus to school. On the way the bus got hijacked by the Taliban and Malala got shot in the head she was rushed to hospital and flown to Birmingham. Luckily she was able to survive. She was awarded the Nobel peace prize and has been one of the youngest people to receive it. This is why women should not be judged.

Finally There are lots of people that fight for freedom. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a women that fought for freedom and for more opportunities for Women. Now at the age of 85 she is still up and running. She can still do push ups! She is so famous that there is a movie made about her. She might be old but people still want to take photos with her. Ruth Bader Ginsburg successfully fought in court against gender discrimination. Ruth works with a personal trainer as well. Ruth has achieved so many things yet she is just one amazing women out there.

I hope I have proved to you that there are lots of strong and powerful women out there and that women are just as good as men. From cleaning houses to arguing in court, standing up for rights and last of all hunger strikes. We need to appreciate the women we have because without them we wouldn’t be here.

Thursday 1 November 2018


In maths we have been learning about Algebra patterns with pedes. Pede means legs. We had to figure out the patterns of different pedes like the quadpede which means four legs. Today we got to create our own pedes. This is my pede I created. Can you figure out the pattern.