I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Sherbet Experiment.
Today we made sherbet. The ingredients we used to make the sherbet were baking soda, icing sugar, citric acid and tartaric acid. We also used wooden Popsicle sticks to eat the sherbet. I was in a group of four. We had measured the amount of ingredients we needed to use. Our recipe was two scoops of icing sugar, 1 scoop of tartaric acid, one scoop of citric acid and one scoop of baking soda. Our sherbet was a success and was not to sweet and not to bitter. It was a really fun experiment and was awesome learning how to make sherbet.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Weetbix tryathlon
On Wednesday I went to the Weetbix Tryathlon. It is held in south Auckland. My event was first. Ready set GO! I swam as fast as I could. During the swim everyone pushed and shoved. After I ran to my bike and put my gear on and I was of. After the bike was the run. The run felt short and easy. Before I new it I could see the finish. Gina and Frankie were waiting at the end for me. I crossed the line and my medal got awarded to me. I got given an apple and a cup of water. Then I got my photo taken and headed back to the tent. I supported the other racers until prizegiving. I didn't win anything. What a fun day. I can't wait for next year.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Potato Gun
Today we did an experiment using potatoes. It was called a potato gun. The materials we used was plastic straws, potato's and skewers. The key was to make it air tight. To work the potato gun you had to press the straw in the potato. You had to fill the straw with potato on both ends. Then you had to get the skewer and press the potato from one end to the other. The air pressure would push the potato from the other side and it would go flying out. Unfortunately mine didn't work along with a lot of others.😕
Thursday, 29 November 2018
3D Maths
Today in maths we created 3D shapes. I created a cone and made it into a Santa hat. The cone was difficult to stick together so I had to use sellotape. It was fun crafting the Santa hat and decorating it. This is a photo of my Santa hat,
Thursday, 22 November 2018
All St day
In class we have been learning about saints. We had to choose a saint to study. I choose St Barbara because I don't know much about her. I learnt lots of new facts on St Barbara like her dad killed her because she loved God, she was known for being beautiful and that she was born in Turkey. It was lots of fun learning about St Barbara.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
In topic we got to create things to do with New Zealand bands and artist. I made a list of New Zealand band and artist names from A to Z. This is my list of bands and artists from New Zealand. Enjoy!
Friday, 16 November 2018
Today we did a experiment on how birds get their food using their beaks. We all split in to groups of six and were given six different types of tweezers to act as the beaks. We used skittles, gummy worms, and paper as the things we need to pick up with the beaks. We made our predictions and recorded them. Our predictions weren't very accurate but it is just prediction. After the experiment we got to eat the lollies. We are so lucky to be able to do this in our leaning.
In room 5 we have been writing comics. Mr. Drummond came in and taught us about comics. He is a really good artist. He told us that we wont be a fantastic artist we have to practice. We learnt the structure of a comic, how you have to have a beginning, a middle and an end, and that you have to write your words and then put the speech bubble around them otherwise they're all cramped. thank you Mr. Drummond for taking your time to come in and teach us more about comics.
Passport Activities
In topic we have had the fun opportunity to be learning more about New Zealand music. We have got to choose activities to do with New Zealand bands and artists. This is called a passport. A passport has different columns with different things to do in the columns. You get points if you have completed an activity up to it's standard. The hardest activities are the ones that are worth more points and take up more time. The aim is t get to 200 points by the end of the term. One thing that I have completed is a body percussion to NZ music. I did this with my friend Frankie then presented it with her to the whole class. Another thing I did was a tour for six 60 around New Zealand. This is a photo of the tour I created.
Kapa Haka
On Saturday this week a group of year five and six's went to Eden Albert kapa haka. We performed at Rocket Park. We sang loud and smiled. The crowed cheered. We wore our school kapa haka gear. We performed a haka and some school songs that we had learned. My dad and my brother came to watch. Afterwards we went home and had some lunch. Lots of people were saying how good we were. What a fun day.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Athletics day
Today was Athletics Day. I was competing in the ten year old girls. First we did the two hundred metre race. I came first. But in the finals I came third. We moved to the four hundred metre race. I jogged the first lap then sprinted the last lap. I ended up in second place. In the finals for the four hundred metre I came fourth.
Next we moved on to the one hundred metre race. I placed second and Mia came first. I was in the finals for the one hundred metre race. I came third place. We had a break and some food.
After ten minutes.we went to the field events. We did discus first. We only got 1 shot each. I didn't place anywhere. Next up was long jump. I was so close to coming a place but I didn't. Next we did shot put. I was coming third all the way to the end but then Setaita bet me so I didn't come a place. We watched the juniors for a bit while we sat down and had a rest. Before we knew it it was relays. The house teams got ready. On your marks get set GO! Blake won. Hillary, my house came second, Shepherd came third and Cowley placed fourth.
What a fun day. We jumped on the bus and headed back to school. When we got back to school We did topic. Everyone was tired but after school I had netball. I can't wait for athletics day next year.
Next we moved on to the one hundred metre race. I placed second and Mia came first. I was in the finals for the one hundred metre race. I came third place. We had a break and some food.
After ten minutes.we went to the field events. We did discus first. We only got 1 shot each. I didn't place anywhere. Next up was long jump. I was so close to coming a place but I didn't. Next we did shot put. I was coming third all the way to the end but then Setaita bet me so I didn't come a place. We watched the juniors for a bit while we sat down and had a rest. Before we knew it it was relays. The house teams got ready. On your marks get set GO! Blake won. Hillary, my house came second, Shepherd came third and Cowley placed fourth.
What a fun day. We jumped on the bus and headed back to school. When we got back to school We did topic. Everyone was tired but after school I had netball. I can't wait for athletics day next year.
Sunday, 11 November 2018
World War One
Today in reading our teacher Mrs. Drummond got a package of stuff from World War One. She got things like papers printed like the real thing. We got into pairs and got two souvenirs per group. Me and my pair got the Mother of Empire badge and a memorial stain glass window. This is the power point we made about them.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Womens Rights
WALT write a persuasive writing piece.
Can you imagine living in a country where you have to have a man to go outside with? Or being a girl that doesn’t get the opportunity to attend school because they have to stay home, wash the dishes, sweep and more. Many people think that this doesn’t happen any more, but it does. Women are treated unfairly with less opportunities than men. It’s not fair and it needs to stop.
In 1883 women in New Zealand got to vote. But in America women only got to vote in the 1900. Have you ever heard of a Suffragette? Well Suffragettes were members of women's organisation in England. They fought for the right of women's voting. Emmeline Pankhurst was the founder of the WSPU ( The Women's Social Political Movement). They used methods like marches, hunger strikes and more to get their way. But it just wasn’t working. Women were getting abused for this behaviour. As time passed more and more women were joining the Suffragettes. Women were raging over the fact that things just wouldn’t change. I don’t think that this is fair and is completely unnecessary. I mean why won’t men just let the women vote? Thankfully action took place and women were given the right to vote. This proves how strong and powerful women can be.
Secondly this isn’t the only problem happening. In countries like Afghanistan women are treated unfairly. Women are made to be slaves and are punished badly. Some girls don’t get to go to school because men think that women and girls are fit for house chores. Also girls can’t go outside without a man. Can you imagine being stuck at home with no fresh air because you have to clean. You might think that this would be fun because you could play but actually You have to clean. This is completely unfair and should stop. Have you ever heard of the Taliban. Well the Taliban were bad men trying to take control over certain countries. They said that girls should not be able to go to school. One day Malala and her friend caught the bus to school. On the way the bus got hijacked by the Taliban and Malala got shot in the head she was rushed to hospital and flown to Birmingham. Luckily she was able to survive. She was awarded the Nobel peace prize and has been one of the youngest people to receive it. This is why women should not be judged.
Finally There are lots of people that fight for freedom. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a women that fought for freedom and for more opportunities for Women. Now at the age of 85 she is still up and running. She can still do push ups! She is so famous that there is a movie made about her. She might be old but people still want to take photos with her. Ruth Bader Ginsburg successfully fought in court against gender discrimination. Ruth works with a personal trainer as well. Ruth has achieved so many things yet she is just one amazing women out there.
I hope I have proved to you that there are lots of strong and powerful women out there and that women are just as good as men. From cleaning houses to arguing in court, standing up for rights and last of all hunger strikes. We need to appreciate the women we have because without them we wouldn’t be here.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
In maths we have been learning about Algebra patterns with pedes. Pede means legs. We had to figure out the patterns of different pedes like the quadpede which means four legs. Today we got to create our own pedes. This is my pede I created. Can you figure out the pattern.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Bike course
Yesterday and today we had a visit from Bigfoot. Bigfoot is a bike company that comes to schools to teach the year five and six students about bike safety. In our first session we didn't ride our bikes, we just learnt about safety. Today we got to ride our bikes on the tennis court. We did some bike games like red light green light, but also did a course which had skills like weaving in and out of cones. It was a lot of fun. Thank you to big foot for coming in and teaching us bike skills and bike safety. This is a photo of our group playing a balance game on our bikes.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
In reading we read a book on possums and how they affect New Zealand's native animals. We learnt that possums are happier here in New Zealand than over in Australia. This is because New Zealand doesn't have any predators that will eat possums. But over in Australia they have lots of predators like snakes, dingoes and goannas. Another reason is that possums like it over here better than Aussie is because possums have more to eat. The reason for this is that a lot of our native birds are flightless which make it easier to catch them. Possums also carry diseases. This leaves us to a conclusion that possums must go. If you discover claw marks on the bark of your trees, pellet-looking poo (possum poo), clawed lemons and new leaves with claw marks than it would be a good idea to set up some traps.I hope you have learnt something about possums.
Monday, 15 October 2018
Fractions booklet
In Maths we refreshed our work with fractions. We had a booklet with different activities to do with fractions such as equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. It was lots of fun. Something I found interesting was converting improper fractions.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Kia Kaha
In Room 5 we have been learning about Kia Kaha. Kia Kaha is a program run by the police force. Kia Kaha teaches us about bullying and how we are all special. Even though we are all different we still learn abut ways we are similar and ways we work as a team. Here is a picture of my shield explaining how I am unique and how my class is unique.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
In topic we have been learning about habitats. We had to pick a habitat and find information on it. I choose a coral reef. A fun fact I found is that sea horses have curled tails to grab on to sea grass if needed to change directions. I also found out that fish that live in coral reefs usually have flat bones that allow them to squeeze through tight gaps. Both of these unique things are adaptations. This is my diorama on a coral reef and some animals and plants that live in this habitat.
Australasian Bitterns
Roaming the banks of New Zealand and Aussie, the Australasian Bittern, also known as the Brown Bittern or Matuku Herupo, searches through the wetlands for dinner. With a sharp beak and a shy personality will this bird become extinct?
The Austrilasian Bittern is a bird so it feeds on a diet of eels and insects. They will also eat frogs, spiders and snails. These birds have several different ways of catching prey. Some ways they catch their prey is by standing and waiting and slow stalking. Leg and wing movements are used to confuse or attract prey.
The Austrilasian Bittern is a bird so it feeds on a diet of eels and insects. They will also eat frogs, spiders and snails. These birds have several different ways of catching prey. Some ways they catch their prey is by standing and waiting and slow stalking. Leg and wing movements are used to confuse or attract prey.
The Austrilasian Bittern is not only a predator but also prey. Sadly the Australasian Bittern is endangered. Drainage of swamps removes the habbitat of the Austriaasian Bittern. There are less than 900 left in the world. Stoats are major predators of the Australasian Bittern. They were introduced to New Zealand to control the amount of rabbits and hares but has had a devastating effect on native animals like the Australasian Bittern and it is still affecting our native animals.
Bitterns live in wetlands and banks of New Zealand and Australia. If you live on a farm during October you can go outside and try to spot any. Male Bitterns will build a nest with a clump of reeds in a bit of swamp water. Then they will place it on top of bent over reeds. Once this process is finished several females will breed in this male’s territory.
The Austrilasian Bittern is brown, black and white. It has long skinny legs, and can stretch its neck out super long which makes it look really tall. The Australasian Bittern has a low bellowing call to attract females. It also has a sharp pointed beak used for stabbing other Bitterns.
So now you know what an Australasian Bittern is, What it looks like, What it eats, where it lives and how it’s endangered. Everyone can help these incredible birds by doing simple things like voting for them on bird of the year. All the money raised on bird of the year will go to these birds if they win. I hope you have learnt a thing or two about these birds.
Bitterns live in wetlands and banks of New Zealand and Australia. If you live on a farm during October you can go outside and try to spot any. Male Bitterns will build a nest with a clump of reeds in a bit of swamp water. Then they will place it on top of bent over reeds. Once this process is finished several females will breed in this male’s territory.
The Austrilasian Bittern is brown, black and white. It has long skinny legs, and can stretch its neck out super long which makes it look really tall. The Australasian Bittern has a low bellowing call to attract females. It also has a sharp pointed beak used for stabbing other Bitterns.
So now you know what an Australasian Bittern is, What it looks like, What it eats, where it lives and how it’s endangered. Everyone can help these incredible birds by doing simple things like voting for them on bird of the year. All the money raised on bird of the year will go to these birds if they win. I hope you have learnt a thing or two about these birds.
Monday, 17 September 2018
My Cross
This term we have been painting crosses to put up around the school. We had to paint symbols of our school, symbols of God and symbols of Auckland. The symbols I put on my cross is a Pohutukawa flower to symbolize God's creation, the Maori symbols are to symbolize our multi-culture, the shield is there because it's our school symbol and the candle to symbolize that Jesus in the light of the world. This is my cross.
In maths we did a poster on vocabulary words we can use in a word problem. Me and my friend Molly did a poster on addition. These are our word problems that we made. We also put some words so that you can recognize an addition word problem with such as both, more, plus and add.
Friday, 14 September 2018
This term we have been learning Mandarin. We learnt how to have a conversation in Mandarin. Mrs Li was the one teaching us. She taught us a song to help us remember how to count to ten. It was a new experience and I am excited to keep learning Mandarin. Here is a page of my Mandarin book.
Today we decorated a word from God's promise. We had many different options such as family, love, promise and so on. I chose love. The reason I chose love was because God loves us and his promise to us shows love. This is my word I decorated.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Lately we have been writing information reports about a reptile. The reptile I chose was an alligator. The reason I chose this animal was because I was interested in learning more about them. The coolest thing I find about them are that they can grow between 2-4 meters now that's super long. Here is my slide about Alligators.
Religious Education
Today in Religious Education we did a play about Sarah and Abraham. The story is that Abraham and Sarah want a child however they think they are to old to have a children. One day God tells them to move to a different town. They are shocked to here this news but decide that they should listen to God. Soon later three strange looking men approach them and tell Sarah and Abraham that they will come back once Sarah has had a child. Sarah overhears from the tent and laughs. One of the angels says to them "why is Sarah laughing is anything impossible for God" That then is when they realized that these men are special messengers from God. A few months later God gives them a child and they name him Issac. The three angels return and Sarah and Abraham live happily with their son Issac. This is a photo of the play we performed.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Maths patterns
Today we had to color a pattern on 100 little squares. The reason we did this is because we are learning decimals, fractions and percentages. We had ten different colors. Once we had finished colouring we had to work out the fraction and percentage of each color. These are my results.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Grandparents Mass
Today we had Grandparents Mass. In the morning the grandparents and students of Good Shepherd School went to a mass. It was a lovely start to the day. After Grandparents Mass, everyone was invited for refreshments. There was a lot of lovely homemade baking, sandwiches and pastries. Once we finished our refreshments we were allowed to show our grandparents our learning and things around our classroom. For the rest of lunch we played until the bell rang then we all gathered on the turf for some performances such as kapa haka, Irish dancing, ukulele group, folk dancing and choir. It was very enjoyable to see all the talents we have at Good Shepherd. After the performances the students went back to class for the rest of the day. What a great way to end the week with our grandparents.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Spider Monkeys
Spider monkeys are no, not spiders, but monkeys. Spider monkeys are part of the monkey family. Why do they have spider in their name? You might know some basic facts on spider monkeys but read on to learn more about them.
A spider monkeys habitat is in Central and South America. Spider monkeys live in tropical climates and evergreen forests. You usually finds them in these places and climates because it is a perfect place to find their food like fruit. You can also find spider monkeys in zoos and animal parks around the world.
Did you know a spider monkey is called a spider monkey because it eats spiders? That’s right. A spider monkeys diet is spiders, seeds insects and larvae. When spider monkeys eat they sometimes hang by their tails and reach the food with their hands. Sometimes their tails can grow longer than than their bodies.
Usually spider monkeys live till the age of 27 years. A spider monkeys gestation period is as long as 7.5 months old. Spider monkeys will give birth to one infant at a time. The infant (baby monkey) will rely on its mother until it is 6-10 months old. From then on they are strong enough to be on their own.
Spider monkeys are becoming endangered because of habitat loss. People are taking down the trees they live in and replacing them with towns and farmlands. They also have predators such as pumas, jaguars, ocelotes and large snakes. To keep safe from their predators they usually sleep in groups and hang from the branches with their tails.
Spider monkeys are very interesting creatures. I hope you have learnt more about spider monkeys. Make sure you look after their habitat. Now you know why spider monkeys are my favorite animals.

Friday, 17 August 2018
Gymnastics tornament
Yesterday a group of year five and six students went to a gym competition. The girls apparatus were floor, vault and beam. The first apparatus we did was floor. I felt very nervous and i was so shaky. The next apparatus we did was beam. The thing that i was scared of was the mount because i didn't have much practice and thought I was going to muck up. Vault was next. Vault is the easiest apparatus as long as you keep your legs straight and jump high you're sure to be fine. After we had finished everything it was the prize-giving. The girls from our school did not get any prizes but the boys team came first and some boys came a place in the individuals. It was so much fun.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
My Slide
In Reading we learnt about Pacific myths and legends. We had to create a slide show this is my slide show with little snippets of the story The Turtles of Namuana. This myth is from Fiji. I did this slide with my two friends Molly and Frankie. I chose this myth because it interested me and I like turtles.
Netball tournament
On Thursday the 9th of August a group of year five and six's went to a netball tournament. I was in the year six team. We were put in the A grade. There were six games in total. We won two games and lost four. I played in defense and only subbed of once. We were out for the whole day. It was a lot of fun. I love netball.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Monday, 6 August 2018
Science Experiment
This term in science we have done some experiments. Our latest experiment was the wet paper towels and dry paper towels. We had to guess if the wet paper towels would soak up the dye quicker or if the dry paper towels would soak up the dye quicker. We waited until the end of lunch time to see our results. It turns out that the dry paper towels absorbed the dye quicker. The explanation for this is that the wet paper towels were full of water so it was harder for the dye to spread because the water is stopping it. But the dry paper towels weren't full of water so the could spread without anything getting in it's way. This is a photo of the experiment.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
This term in R.E we are learning about sacraments. The sacraments are certain things you can do to follow God and show your love him. It could be Reconciliation, the Eucharist or something else.
The Turtles of Namuana
In Reading we have been learning about Pacific myths and legends. This one is from Fiji. This wanted poster is about the myth The Turtles of Namuana. The wanted poster is about the three fisherman wanting to kidnap the princesses when they waded out to far one day while swimming. The fisherman pulled them up into their boat. But the gods saved them and created a storm. The fishermen were to focused on the storm and forgot about the princess. While they weren't looking they transformed into giant sea turtles. The men chucked them overboard and they lived happily in the sea.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Today we learnt about how animals are classified into groups. Animals are either vertebrates or invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with spines. And invertebrates are animals with no spine.
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breath through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breath through gills and have fins.
Five examples of each type are:
Mammals: Cheetah, dolphins, giraffe, squirrel, rabbit.
Birds: woodpecker, sparrow, kiwi, dove, fantail.
Reptiles: Snakes, sea turtle, crocodiles, lizards, chameleon
fish: salmon, eel, sharks, seahorses, stingray.
Amphibians: frogs, toad, salamander, newts, caecilian.
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breath through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breath through gills and have fins.
Five examples of each type are:
Mammals: Cheetah, dolphins, giraffe, squirrel, rabbit.
Birds: woodpecker, sparrow, kiwi, dove, fantail.
Reptiles: Snakes, sea turtle, crocodiles, lizards, chameleon
fish: salmon, eel, sharks, seahorses, stingray.
Amphibians: frogs, toad, salamander, newts, caecilian.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Hansel And Gretel
Today in drama we did small skits of Hansel and Gretel. Some of the groups twisted the story a bit. This a video of my group's skit that we performed. I learnt how to work together with other people. It was a great learning experience and was a lot of fun.
Science Road Show
Good Shepherd year Five and Six students went to a Science Roadshow. We were taught about different temperatures and lots of other interesting facts. One of them was that every human produces 60 KG's of waste every year. There were different experiments that we got to try out such as the spinning chair, the glass mirror, and the skeleton bike. Those were only some of the cool experiments we got to try. It was so fun and we are very lucky we got to go.
Ode Poem
In Room Five we have been writing odes. An ode is a poem that is usually dedicated to something or someone. This is my ode poem to a piece of toffee.
Oh piece of toffee!
you have a sweet sensation that's the best,
your texture crunches in my mouth like a twig snapping under my feet,
you taste like a ball of joy,
you melt my heart with your taste,
oh toffee how i adore you!
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
The School Production.
In week 8 our school had a production. It was based on a magical toy shop. My friend and I were the leads. Our costumes were amazing! We were Thing One and Thing Two from the Cat in the Hat. We had great big crazy wigs on, and red pants and t-shirts. It was a great thrill and super exciting.
One thing I learned is that you have to show how your feeling even if your not talking. We had three performances over two days. The set looked amazing and it was super cool getting to practice with the set. I felt so lucky to be a part of that.
One thing I learned is that you have to show how your feeling even if your not talking. We had three performances over two days. The set looked amazing and it was super cool getting to practice with the set. I felt so lucky to be a part of that.
Monday, 25 June 2018
Book Week
On Friday the 22 of June Good Shepherd had their book parade. The book parade is when every one can dress up as their favourite book character for the whole day. Sometime during the day we have a parade so every one can show of their costume. Book week is one of my favourite weeks because we can see every ones different ideas. This year me and my friend Gina went as he Twits. During the week we also had Chris Gurney come in and talk to us about writing. She read us some of the books she wrote. We also performed a skit of one of her books. Chris Gurney writes the kiwi kauka series which is the fairy tales except with a NZ twist. We had a lot of more fun activities but those were the main ones.
Saturday, 23 June 2018
Saving Work
Saving work is what people do and say that helps restore people's dignity. Saving work is an example of helping others when they are down, embarrassed or not feeling well. This is an example of saving work.
I will show Jesus's saving work by helping others when they are upset.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Cross Country
On Tuesday the fifth of June Good Shepherd school had their cross country. My race was last and I placed fifth equal. At the start I had a lot of nerves but at the end I was super happy. It was a great thrill and a lot of fun. This is me running with Kara and Gina.
Monday, 28 May 2018
The Holy Spirit
Friday, 25 May 2018
My Country Study.
Recently in Room five we have been doing country studies. We had to include things like their traditional clothes and food. This is my country study of Russia.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Roll and Answer
Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learned this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board about rounding.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Digestive System
In topic we learnt about healthy eating, how to stay fit and the digestive system. This is a photo of the digestive system.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
My Slide
In room 5 we have been writing explanations on how something works. This is my explanation on how a vacuum cleaners work
Thursday, 12 April 2018
City Railway Link Art
As part of an art class with Miss Down we created images that will be displayed in the country’s busiest rail station, once it opens to the public in 2023/2024.
These images will be used and turned in a ceramic tile and display within the station.
These images will be used and turned in a ceramic tile and display within the station.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
The Storm
Room Five has written some amazing senses poems about the storm that happened last night. This is my poem:
I see the trees collapsing, blocking the street.
I hear the wind howling outside.
I smell the smoke coming from the chimney.
I taste the crisp air coming from the crack underneath the door.
I touch my snugly blankets covering me and keeping me warm.
I lye in silence feeling tired and scared slowly drifting to sleep.
I see the trees collapsing, blocking the street.
I hear the wind howling outside.
I smell the smoke coming from the chimney.
I taste the crisp air coming from the crack underneath the door.
I touch my snugly blankets covering me and keeping me warm.
I lye in silence feeling tired and scared slowly drifting to sleep.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Learning about Jesus
In religious education we learnt about how Jesus is important to us. We were also learning about how the bread and wine are symbols of Jesus.
Monday, 9 April 2018
The Reason Kiwis are Endangered
I am learning to: entertain my audience with a narrative
One night a kiwi is in a dark bush scavenging for food. when he sees bright lights coming from outside of the bush. He is curious since he has never seen a source of light before. He starts heading towards them. “Plonk” falling and stumbling rocking up and down “toooooot” he tries to scramble of but the boat is to rocky. Little kiwi hides in a corner hoping no one can see him. Thoughts are gushing through his head. Where am i?
“Splash” the water gets rougher and rougher. kiwi clings to the wall. “Ahhhh” it’s to late someone has spotted him. A tall lady that looks like a big hairy rug towering over little kiwi. The lady throws him over bored. Strong west currents push him around. In the distance he sees a big group of things swimming towards him. As they get closer he realises the speed there traveling at. “Bom” He’s been hit. Then everything starts to spin around. He closes his eyes and falls into a dark world. But as he is falling to his death a miracle happens.
“Cough cough”. He opens his eyes to find a turtle slapping him.
“Well now your awake i’ll be on my way” the turtle says.
A confused face hits little kiwi. But he doesn’t stop to think he stands up and shouts “thank you!” A man approaches him with a boy at his side.
“Hello little fella ” dad said talking to kiwi.
“Dad what is it” said the little boy questioning dad.
“I think it’s a cat” “Well whatever it is let’s take it to the vet”,
“Good idea” replies the little boy.
“Hello how can i help you” the vet says taking to dad,
“We found this thing on the beach” replies dad,
“Ohh no way i’m touching that thing do it yourself” the vet says in a concerned voice.
“Ok if you say so”,
“I think it’s this one” dad says worryingly to little boy.
“What did you do dad” says the little boy shocked.
“Well um I don’t know”,
“I think you turned it into a spider” says little boy looking at dad, the kiwi now had eight legs with 12 eyes. He was furry but he didn’t have any feathers.
“By the looks of it” “anyway let’s go see what’s for lunch” dad says. And hurrys of before the vet catches him. Little kiwi (little spider) looks at himself and sighs. A feeling comes to his mind. He pounces on the vet and digs his fangs into him. The vet falls to his knees and cries in pain.
Over the years it has happened a lot and that is why Australia has so many spiders and and kiwis are endangered.
One night a kiwi is in a dark bush scavenging for food. when he sees bright lights coming from outside of the bush. He is curious since he has never seen a source of light before. He starts heading towards them. “Plonk” falling and stumbling rocking up and down “toooooot” he tries to scramble of but the boat is to rocky. Little kiwi hides in a corner hoping no one can see him. Thoughts are gushing through his head. Where am i?
“Splash” the water gets rougher and rougher. kiwi clings to the wall. “Ahhhh” it’s to late someone has spotted him. A tall lady that looks like a big hairy rug towering over little kiwi. The lady throws him over bored. Strong west currents push him around. In the distance he sees a big group of things swimming towards him. As they get closer he realises the speed there traveling at. “Bom” He’s been hit. Then everything starts to spin around. He closes his eyes and falls into a dark world. But as he is falling to his death a miracle happens.
“Cough cough”. He opens his eyes to find a turtle slapping him.
“Well now your awake i’ll be on my way” the turtle says.
A confused face hits little kiwi. But he doesn’t stop to think he stands up and shouts “thank you!” A man approaches him with a boy at his side.
“Hello little fella ” dad said talking to kiwi.
“Dad what is it” said the little boy questioning dad.
“I think it’s a cat” “Well whatever it is let’s take it to the vet”,
“Good idea” replies the little boy.
“Hello how can i help you” the vet says taking to dad,
“We found this thing on the beach” replies dad,
“Ohh no way i’m touching that thing do it yourself” the vet says in a concerned voice.
“Ok if you say so”,
“I think it’s this one” dad says worryingly to little boy.
“What did you do dad” says the little boy shocked.
“Well um I don’t know”,
“I think you turned it into a spider” says little boy looking at dad, the kiwi now had eight legs with 12 eyes. He was furry but he didn’t have any feathers.
“By the looks of it” “anyway let’s go see what’s for lunch” dad says. And hurrys of before the vet catches him. Little kiwi (little spider) looks at himself and sighs. A feeling comes to his mind. He pounces on the vet and digs his fangs into him. The vet falls to his knees and cries in pain.
Over the years it has happened a lot and that is why Australia has so many spiders and and kiwis are endangered.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Free Writing
Once upon a time King Henry the eighth was lounging around his palace. He had an idea. He demanded his guards to send a message around town that his daughter was getting married. It was strange of him to do this since he didn’t like his daughter.
The next day a whole crowd of men were flocking the streets. The daughter didn’t like any of them. So Henry told the guards to find a frog. They did as they were told and a few minutes later returned to the castle with the frog they had caught.
King Henry was very pleased and asked his daughter to kiss the frog. She did so and a lovely prince appeared. But since it was back in the fifteenth hundredths she was considered a witch and was sent to get executed. Oops.
King Henry was very pleased and asked his daughter to kiss the frog. She did so and a lovely prince appeared. But since it was back in the fifteenth hundredths she was considered a witch and was sent to get executed. Oops.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
My Mantra
It never gets easier. You just get better.
This means that don't give up if it's hard because the more you try the better you get.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
In maori we have been writing pepehas explaining where we came from, where we live and all things that are close to us like our mountain, our lake/sea and who our family is.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
The Farm
The farm was usual enough.
It had animals, a creek, trees and a bridge.
Me and my brother spent time running up the gravel driveway,
Eeling off the bridge, dashing through the paddocks,
Climbing on the hay bales, getting our gumboots stuck in the gunky mud, feeding the animals
Doing nothing important.
room 6 math class graphs
In room 6 maths class we have been learning about different ways to display graphs. I did a graph on favorite sports. I recorded my data on a tally chart than displayed it on a pie graph. The least popular sport was gym, water polo and dance. The sports the class enjoy the most are hockey, soccer and cricket.
Thursday, 22 February 2018
It was the 27th of December 2017. Me and my family went to Tindalls Beach to celebrate Christmas with my family. My Grandparents live up there and my cousins were visiting from Rarotonga. The first thing we did was go to the beach.
I was eager to get in the water. It was really hot so we walked up the beach to the trees for some shade. As we were walking I see this figure stand up and approach slowly then I hear her say “Anna, no way,” it was Emma Gina’s mum. We knew we were both going to Tindalls but never expected to be here at the same time. I through my towel down and shouted “Gina,” and then I hear back “Anna,” I run in the water ‘splash’ and swim out to the pontoon as fast as I can. We do some diving. Evie wanted to show us her amazing dive she counted to three Than Rowley Gina’s dad pushed her in it was hilarious. “Great dive Evie”, we say laughing in hysterical giggles.Then we swam back in and did some flips.
Of course as soon as the adult gets out of the water the older siblings have to come and annoy us. Logan wanted to go out to the pontoon but I had already been out there for like half an hour and wanted to play with Gina. Than Evie Gina’s sister is grabbing us by the legs and arms they finally go away.
I was eager to get in the water. It was really hot so we walked up the beach to the trees for some shade. As we were walking I see this figure stand up and approach slowly then I hear her say “Anna, no way,” it was Emma Gina’s mum. We knew we were both going to Tindalls but never expected to be here at the same time. I through my towel down and shouted “Gina,” and then I hear back “Anna,” I run in the water ‘splash’ and swim out to the pontoon as fast as I can. We do some diving. Evie wanted to show us her amazing dive she counted to three Than Rowley Gina’s dad pushed her in it was hilarious. “Great dive Evie”, we say laughing in hysterical giggles.Then we swam back in and did some flips.
Of course as soon as the adult gets out of the water the older siblings have to come and annoy us. Logan wanted to go out to the pontoon but I had already been out there for like half an hour and wanted to play with Gina. Than Evie Gina’s sister is grabbing us by the legs and arms they finally go away.
We play around for a little longer until Gina has to go i say goodbye and have a little swim with Logan out to the pontoon than Mum says we have to go back to Grandma’s. When we get back I have a spa and some lunch. That was a super fun day and I can’t wait to do it again.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
All about me
My name is Anna. I like hockey, swimming, soccer and lots of other things. I enjoy sports and am very energetic. My favourite subject is maths and p.e. During lunch I like to play soccer on the field and play on the monkey bars. I love to go up to our batch to go surfing, swimming and snorkeling. In my family I have a younger and older brother, my mum my dad and a cat. I used to live in the country, and enjoy going to both pairs of my grandparents.
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