I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Grandparents Mass
Today we had Grandparents Mass. In the morning the grandparents and students of Good Shepherd School went to a mass. It was a lovely start to the day. After Grandparents Mass, everyone was invited for refreshments. There was a lot of lovely homemade baking, sandwiches and pastries. Once we finished our refreshments we were allowed to show our grandparents our learning and things around our classroom. For the rest of lunch we played until the bell rang then we all gathered on the turf for some performances such as kapa haka, Irish dancing, ukulele group, folk dancing and choir. It was very enjoyable to see all the talents we have at Good Shepherd. After the performances the students went back to class for the rest of the day. What a great way to end the week with our grandparents.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Spider Monkeys
Spider monkeys are no, not spiders, but monkeys. Spider monkeys are part of the monkey family. Why do they have spider in their name? You might know some basic facts on spider monkeys but read on to learn more about them.
A spider monkeys habitat is in Central and South America. Spider monkeys live in tropical climates and evergreen forests. You usually finds them in these places and climates because it is a perfect place to find their food like fruit. You can also find spider monkeys in zoos and animal parks around the world.
Did you know a spider monkey is called a spider monkey because it eats spiders? That’s right. A spider monkeys diet is spiders, seeds insects and larvae. When spider monkeys eat they sometimes hang by their tails and reach the food with their hands. Sometimes their tails can grow longer than than their bodies.
Usually spider monkeys live till the age of 27 years. A spider monkeys gestation period is as long as 7.5 months old. Spider monkeys will give birth to one infant at a time. The infant (baby monkey) will rely on its mother until it is 6-10 months old. From then on they are strong enough to be on their own.
Spider monkeys are becoming endangered because of habitat loss. People are taking down the trees they live in and replacing them with towns and farmlands. They also have predators such as pumas, jaguars, ocelotes and large snakes. To keep safe from their predators they usually sleep in groups and hang from the branches with their tails.
Spider monkeys are very interesting creatures. I hope you have learnt more about spider monkeys. Make sure you look after their habitat. Now you know why spider monkeys are my favorite animals.

Friday, 17 August 2018
Gymnastics tornament
Yesterday a group of year five and six students went to a gym competition. The girls apparatus were floor, vault and beam. The first apparatus we did was floor. I felt very nervous and i was so shaky. The next apparatus we did was beam. The thing that i was scared of was the mount because i didn't have much practice and thought I was going to muck up. Vault was next. Vault is the easiest apparatus as long as you keep your legs straight and jump high you're sure to be fine. After we had finished everything it was the prize-giving. The girls from our school did not get any prizes but the boys team came first and some boys came a place in the individuals. It was so much fun.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
My Slide
In Reading we learnt about Pacific myths and legends. We had to create a slide show this is my slide show with little snippets of the story The Turtles of Namuana. This myth is from Fiji. I did this slide with my two friends Molly and Frankie. I chose this myth because it interested me and I like turtles.
Netball tournament
On Thursday the 9th of August a group of year five and six's went to a netball tournament. I was in the year six team. We were put in the A grade. There were six games in total. We won two games and lost four. I played in defense and only subbed of once. We were out for the whole day. It was a lot of fun. I love netball.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Monday, 6 August 2018
Science Experiment
This term in science we have done some experiments. Our latest experiment was the wet paper towels and dry paper towels. We had to guess if the wet paper towels would soak up the dye quicker or if the dry paper towels would soak up the dye quicker. We waited until the end of lunch time to see our results. It turns out that the dry paper towels absorbed the dye quicker. The explanation for this is that the wet paper towels were full of water so it was harder for the dye to spread because the water is stopping it. But the dry paper towels weren't full of water so the could spread without anything getting in it's way. This is a photo of the experiment.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
This term in R.E we are learning about sacraments. The sacraments are certain things you can do to follow God and show your love him. It could be Reconciliation, the Eucharist or something else.
The Turtles of Namuana
In Reading we have been learning about Pacific myths and legends. This one is from Fiji. This wanted poster is about the myth The Turtles of Namuana. The wanted poster is about the three fisherman wanting to kidnap the princesses when they waded out to far one day while swimming. The fisherman pulled them up into their boat. But the gods saved them and created a storm. The fishermen were to focused on the storm and forgot about the princess. While they weren't looking they transformed into giant sea turtles. The men chucked them overboard and they lived happily in the sea.
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